What kind of discrimination youth, who moved from villages to the big cities, come under fire? How does stereotypical villager look like? Why do we picture him/her this way? These and dozen of other question were tried to be answered during Erasmus+ project “Village Myth Busters”, held in Kaunas by youth from Lithuania, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Latvia and Romania.
During non-formal education activities participants had a chance to have a closer lookn at the discrimination, targerted towards youth coming from villages and come up with solutions to tackle this problem. Participants were introduced to the good practices of tourism in local Lithuanian village Kulautuva, weher they did not only have a chance to interview locals, but meet youth organizations representatives.
During local events and activities helped participants see the differences and similarities between cities and villages and help uncover dark stereotype cloud which shrouds youth from villages. During the project, guest speakers Simona Damulienė and photographer Tadas Kazakevičius shared their experience and difficulties when combating discrimination and how they empower villagers through social initiatives and photography. These and other initiatives participants will try to integrate in their home cities in Spain, Italy, Turkey, Romania, Latvia.
“Rural vs urban” is one of many activities, done during the project, which can be seen in the webpage:
Project “Village Myth Busters” was funded by Erasmus+ program.